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Onboarding steps for cart transform price testing
Onboarding steps for cart transform price testing
Kelly at ABConvert avatar
Written by Kelly at ABConvert
Updated over a month ago

For PLUS users, we offer exclusive service for setting up cart transform price tests. Below, you’ll find an overview of cart transform price testing onboarding steps.

What is cart transform price testing?

Cart transform is an advanced price testing method exclusive to PLUS users. It leverages Shopify’s cart transform functions and offers several benefits:

  • Products or variants are not duplicated, minimizing impacts on your store setup

  • Tests can be previewed on a test theme without being live

Step 1: Provide test information

To get started, we’ll need some details about your test setup:

  • Third-party Apps: Any apps you’d like to include in the test (e.g., upsell, bundle apps)

  • Test Products and Prices: The products and pricing you'd like to test

Step 2: Grant store access

We’ll need collaborator access to your store to proceed with the QA test.

  • Look for a request from ABConvert in your Shopify admin

  • For guidance on granting access, see our guide

Step 3: QA test creation

Once we receive the necessary details and access:

  • Our team will create a QA test in a test theme

  • This allows us to simulate the test environment without affecting your live store

Step 4: User review

When the QA test is ready, we’ll notify you and share the preview links:

  • You can preview the tests to ensure everything works as expected

  • Let us know if any adjustments are required

Step 5: Complete onboarding

After your approval of the QA test:

  • Delete the QA test and test theme (ABConvert Test Theme) if no longer needed

  • Create a new test right away


  • How long does the setup take?
    Typically, the onboarding process takes typically 1-2 business days after we receive the required information and access.

  • What if I have questions?
    You can always contact us through our support channels or request exclusive support via Slack for PLUS users.

If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to reach to via [email protected] or through our support widget.

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